Monday 9 November 2015

The Brain

"The Brain was a blow up brain," said Jemima.
"It was big," said Esme. 
"The blow up brain had a bruise," said Riley. 
"The brain was really funny," said Hayden. 
"The brain was really cool," said Ollie. 
"Our brains have a lot of blood," said Lucy.
"It was awesome," said Connor.
"We put a helmet on to protect our brains," said Sophie.
"When we go on our bikes we need to wear our helmets," said Neve.
"Brains are gross because they are really slimy," said Seth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 7 and 8,
    Thank you so much for sharing this post on your blog. You are incredibly lucky to learn about the brain. Our brain is fascinating isn't it. I am currently learning about how our brain thinks thoughts and do they come in patterns, or waves. What happens when we have a thought? How come we don't have to think about being happy or excited? It just happens.
    What surprised you the most about your brain?
    Anne K
